Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quest For My Rock Hard Abs: Step 2 - Revving Up For My New Workout

Today began with the end of my P90X workout, (Yay!) although yesterday was actually my last day. But after a great Friday night out with my husband and friends to celebrate my 39th birthday, I just didn't feel like crawling out of bed at the crack of dawn Saturday morning to exercise.  I'm sure the drinks I had the night before didn't help matters nor did going to bed around 1:30 a.m.  Anyway...

If you follow my blog then you know that I'll be starting a new workout called Rev Abs.  I debated on whether or not I should take a week off before beginning this workout, but quickly decided against it and later on in this blog, you'll know why.  So, I'll be starting it tomorrow.  As I mentioned in my last blog, this new workout has an optional 14 day jumpstart diet plan (aka - the starvation diet) that I've been less then thrilled about doing. And as promised, I did "suck it up" and try this diet... for a week that is. 

During that week I discovered two very important things. One, you can't do the Rev Abs jumpstart plan while still doing P90X.  The two just don't mix.  The jumpstart diet takes away the carbs while P90X, basically, requires them for energy.  And two, 1000-1100 calories a day just aren't enough for me. (Unless I want to pass out everytime I stand up.) So, I nixed that pipe dream and decided a more sensible diet is the way to go.  Note:  I have cut back on dairy, sodium, and sugar (not on Friday anyway, which in that case, I had more sugar that day than I probably had over the past 90 days...damn birthdays...and especially this one since it put me one year closer to 40. But, it was a great day none-the-less.) Let's move on...shall we?

So yesterday, I planned my meals for this coming week. And when I did, I took another look at the Rev Abs nutrition guide.   For the 90 day workout, the meal plan is a little more sensible (between 1250 - 1750 calories a day).  Now that I can do, and soon realized, I already have been, even though my diet is based on 2100 calories a day.    

For those of you who want to lose weight, one good way to do that is by planning your meals and eating at home. Doing this allows you more control over what you eat.  In addition, you save a butt load of money.  And I plan all my meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks for each day and do it for a week at a time (my husband and daughter benefit from this as well).  Because of this, I'm able to calculate my approximate caloric intake for each day and even each meal. makes this very easy and offers a program that allows you to customize your meals. As you choose your foods, it automatically adds up the calories, fats, proteins, and carbs (in addition to other things) for you. Very handy.

So now that my meals are planned, I move on to the not so fun stuff...measurements and weight (Oh boy...). This includes my body fat percentage, which, by the way, is 4 points less than it was two weeks ago. (Fabulous).  I've also lost 7 lbs, 2 inches in my waist, 2.25 inches in my chest, & 1.25 inches in my hips. A good rule of thumb...before you start either of these workouts, read the guide, take the measurements, weigh yourself, and take before pictures. It might not be fun to do this, but when you see the progress you've made, you'll be happy you did.

Now on to the pictures... (Not so fabulous, especially when you're wearing a skimpy workout outfit and feel like a dork for taking them.)  For me, these particular pictures also serve as my after pictures for the P90X workout (and after looking at them, not so fabulous indeed).   It doesn't help when my husband is less than enthusiastic about taking them.  How can I put this nicely...well, let's just say he's not a professional photographer. And I am not a hottie after working out...nor in that outfit...and boy do I have a way to go before reaching my goal. However, there is an upside to the pictures, and that is they will encourage you to finish the program. And mine, in particular, make me wonder if I'm working out hard enough.  (They say that a camera adds 10 lbs....hmm....does that include fat rolls?) 

There is one very (and I stress very) important thing you need to keep in mind when doing a workout like this...the testimonials you see on the website and the lean bodies of the those who post them come from at least two rounds of the workouts. You won't get that ripped from just one 90 day workout.  You will tone up, you will lose weight, you will eat better, but getting that finely sculpted body only comes from time and 90 days is not enough time.  Not even for someone as small as me. (bummer...big bummer)

Now, where was I heading with all of this?  Oh yes...I'm getting revved up for my new workout (and after seeing those pictures, I should probably start today). They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the only words that come to my mind after seeing mine are "I should have stuck to my diet on Friday, and maybe I should do that jumpstart plan... for the 90 days." 

And on that note, I have nothing further to do but wait until tomorrow to start a new round of workout routines, and with this blog, I'll be journaling my progress.  For those of you interested in following along, stay tuned.  For those of you interested in doing a workout, maybe this will encourage you.  For those of you who want a good laugh, wait until I post my pictures.     

With that said, let the quest for my rock hard abs begin...again.

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