Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Quest for My Rock Hard Abs: Step 1 - Revamping My Diet

My husband read my post on belly fat the other day and afterward I asked what he thought.  His reply...2 words...diet and sugar.  He added that he had overheard one of the trainers at his bootcamp talking to a woman about the same problem I have (hard to get rid of belly flab).  The trainer's answer to her was to cut out sugar for 2 weeks.  Sugar and starches. My first thought was...ugh.  My second was...well, if it will give me the abs I'm looking for, I guess I could do that...for 2 weeks. The next day I was willing to give it go, despite the fact that we were heading out of town on a holiday weekend. Note to self:  Not such a good time to start a crash diet.    

I did the best I could given the circumstances (eating somewhat healthy, although not cutting out all sugar...or starches but cutting back...at times).  And despite my set backs, I was still motivated as the weekend came to an end. Once we got home, more motivation had already arrived in the mail in the form of my new Beachbody.com workout.  This new motivation is a 90 day workout (to be started immediately after my P90X workout is completed) and is called RevAbs.  Rev Abs is specifically designed to give you those finely sculpted abs in just 90 days.  Much like P90X but with more focus on the abs and cardio.  And unlike P90X, this workout has 2 phases (45 days each) and shorter workouts (a plus in my book). Of course, I'm also excited about the extras that come with it, such as a measuring tape, nuitrition guide and my personal favorite, the fat test calibrator (yay...that excitement soon faded once I actually measured my body fat percentage). 

Enthusiastic about starting this new workout, I actually contemplated skipping my last 2 weeks of P90X to get a head start on Rev Abs, but my husband talked me out of it. (Son of a...) No, he's right (but don't tell him I said that).  I should finish the program. I'd be a fool to stop now when I only have 2 weeks left.

Anyway, with my curiosity still heightened, I ripped open the box and eagerly began reviewing the nutrition guide to see if it was similar to the P90X meal plan. After barely getting started, I asked my husband if he wanted to do it with me.  The diet that is, not the workout.  Despite his answer being less than enthusiastic, I considered him on board. (Besides, he eats whatever I fix, so regardless, he's on it whether he wants to be or not).

It didn't take me long to realize the diet plans are quite different.  And that's putting it mildly.  This new one starts with a 14 day "jump start plan" and offers a list of "recommendations".   Recommendation # 1 - "to optimize your fat burning, we're eliminating starch and sugar for these 14 days".  Ahhh... I guess my husband's trainer does know his stuff.  Ok.  That's twice I've heard that.  So, I'm ready to give that a serious try this time.  Recommendation #2 - decrease salt intake.  Ok, no surprise there either.  I'd already read this in a Jillian Michaels newsletter and have already started this one.  Two thumbs up for me. 

So now I'm getting excited and feeling confident that I can do this new plan...excuse me...14 day jumpstart plan. And then I read Recommendation #3 - "recommends eliminating dairy".  What?!  Hold the phone.   Did I read that right?  No dairy?  No dairy means no cheese.  Not even reduced fat cheese.  Oh boy, that's a tough one. Especially when my personal motto is "cheese makes everything better."  Apparently, cutting this out is suppose to improve digestion, reduce bloating and clear skin.  All good reasons, but really, no cheese?

Well, with a little less enthusiasm now, I read on.   Other recommendations, no alcohol and no sodas.  Check. Check.  I can easily throw those two out of my diet. As a side note, the plan recommends you drink half your body weight in water (in ounces of course, but Holy cow! For me that is about 70 ounces of water...a day.) I drink probably half that now and, to put it bluntly, I'm peeing a lot as it is. However, I know this recommendation is an important one and I've already started increasing my water intake.  So what's a few more (more like 40) ounces of water a day? 

Ok, despite the set back with cheese, I'm still on board with this diet plan.  Hell, it's only for 2 weeks, right?  I've been doing P90X for 11.  If I can do that, I can "crash diet" for 2.  And so, I continue on...  The next recommendation was in the form of a daily recommended calorie chart.  And after my initial glance, I said to my husband that he might not want to do this meal plan with me and then I go on to explain the daily recommended caloric intake.  For men - 1100 - 1200 calories.  For women - 1000-1100.  Oh boy...this is truly a "crash diet". Cutting out cheese for 2 weeks now seems like a cakewalk. My husband then comments that anyone would lose weight on this plan even if they aren't working out.  Yes, I nod in agreement.  How could you not?

Now I have begun to seriously rethink this 14 day jumpstart plan.  How can I workout and eat, at the most, 1100 calories a day?  High in protein or not that is just plain starvation, even for me.  How in the world could anyone do this jumpstart plan while vigorously exercising 6 days a week...wait a minute...7 days on this new workout, without passing out at least once?  Before I go on, I must add that the book does say, if you don't need to lose weight you can skip the jumpstart diet. But I want to do this right and cutting out sugar isn't a bad thing. But I'm not sure I can. My P90X nuitrition guide allowed carbs and a lot more calories. And I had no problems doing that plan. But this is just...how can I put it delicately...a freakin diet.  A real serious diet.  Now grant it, it's only 14 days, but a very long 14 days that will be, and more than likely, a very crabby 14 days for me.  And, the remaining 11 weeks still have a low calorie count.  Not as low, but still considerably lower than the P90X nutrition plan.

Are the abs I want worth all this?  Yes, I tell myself...but to a certain extent. I can cut out several of the recommended eliminations easily, but with my busy work schedule and home life, cutting back that far is just madness. So, what do I do?  I want those abs, but I know my body and if I starve myself I will defeat the entire program and might even reverse what I've already accomplished.  In addition, I have a hard time believing that I can't get those beautifully sculpted abs by working out and eating a healthy "sensible" diet.

Furthermore, I considered why I'm on this quest to begin with and the simple truth is...because I'm not losing the fat (covering my beautiful 6 pack) as quickly as I had hoped, despite the fact that these workouts and meal plans are designed to lose weight and get in shape fast.  My goal was to lose 5 inches in my waist and after 11 weeks, I have 3 more to go.

So, what is my plan? To suck it up and follow the 14 day jumpstart plan as closely as I can and within reason.  Meaning, I will cut out everything I can cut out without starving myself.  And I have two weeks to prepare before I begin my new workout program. Thus, I begin the weaning process.         

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