Saturday, June 26, 2010

Things That Make You Go...WTH? Part 2: Belly Fat

Where does it come from and why won't mine go away?  Well, we all know where it comes from but why is it so darn hard to get rid of?

Tomorrow I'll be starting my 11th week (out of 13 weeks) of P90X. My 11th week of intense, advanced, 6 day workouts that I've been waking up at the crack of dawn to do before I get ready for work. I eat right, take the vitamins, and drink the protein shakes.  I've already reached my goal and then some for losing inches in my chest (of course, the one place I could use some fat), and I am only a quarter inch away from my hips goal.  But why, oh why, is the fat around my abs not melting away (even in this Florida heat)? Lord only knows. But I'm sure that my 6 pack is under there somewhere. However, finding it is like searching for the Holy Grail (but with much less significance to everyone else but me). 

I know. I have no reason to complain.  I'm a size 6 and in good health.  But...I want Jillian Michaels abs, Jennifer Aniston abs, Madonna abs.  Which is why I started this workout regimen in the first place.   Maybe, I thought that because I'm already small, getting those ripped movie star abs would be easy on this intense 13 week program.  Or maybe, I don't really know what or how long it takes to get the rock hard bod that I want.  Of course, my body has changed and for the better, and I'm so into working out that even on my off day, I feel like I should be doing some sort of exercise. In addition, my diet has improved tremendously to where I feel bad (both physically and mentally), if I eat bad.

So WTH?  Is it simply just a matter of time? Or is it something else? That is hard to say....  And if I don't know the answer, what do I do? 

What I always do.  I will do what I know works and trust that overtime I will reach my goal and get the abs that I've always dreamed of.  Which means, I will watch my diet more closely and go back to counting the calories.  And, and this is a big and... start getting enough sleep.  I know that your body needs at least 7 hours of sleep a night in order to recover and repair itself.  This time is also needed to aid your body in weight loss.  And, that is one thing I haven't been doing right.  Is it what is preventing my lack of belly fat loss? I don't know, but I'm not taking any chances. 

I have 3 weeks left on P90X and despite my slight dissatisfaction in my smaller but still squishy belly area, I'm looking forward to whatever changes I will see at the end of that time.  Even if I haven't reached my goal, I will continue to strive for it, and I am already looking for another workout that will help me get there.  

Saturday, June 12, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog

That is the question. Actually, my first question was...what the heck is a blog? Of course, I've heard about them and even read some, but never really quite understood them. And even more so, never quite understood why anyone would care to read them. That was until Thursday, when I read my sister-in-law's "bloggy blog". I saw her post on facebook and I didn't think much of it until I saw that it included information about my daughter...needless to say, I couldn't resist.

My daughter was staying with her Nana and Pop Pop while I was out of town for work...and while there, she spent some time with my sister-in-law and her new born son. My sister-in-law's blog was witty and talked about how helpful my daughter was and how the funny things she said had brightened her day. It made me laugh after a long tiring day and I was proud to read that my daughter was behaving herself. I was 6 hours away from my child, but through that blog was able to share in her day. Now I understand the significance.

But what would I write about? That's the beauty of a blog. Anything goes. And the ideas are constantly flowing through my head. But when I get on something in particular, well, as my husband puts it, or the visual he gave me was a dog grabbing hold of a chew toy and trying to pull it out of its owner's hands. I guess he means I rip an idea to shreds and slobber all over it. And, I guess he is right. Therefore, I have started to blog.