Saturday, August 18, 2012

Great Expectations...With Only Good Results.

For those of you who have followed my blog, you know that I've been working hard to find my rock hard abs (which are still hidden underneath a half an inch to an inch of flab). I have completed one round of P90X, and a round of Rev Abs, and in January 2011 started a new workout called Turbo Fire (truly the toughest of the three cardiovascularly). 

Turbo Fire is also a 90 day workout routine where you work out 6 days a week.  It also comes with a nutrition guide.  However, In January 2011, I also went back to school full-time while still working full-time and was so exhausted that I had to cut back to 5 days a week which then became 3-5 days a week.  I still maintained my diet plan and caloric intake (around 1700 a day...maybe a little more or less given the day).  I can't say whether or not if I'd continued the 6 day a week workouts if I would have finally lost that last inch, but none the less it's still there. (I'm guessing, I would have a much better chance of losing it by working out 6 days a week.)  Since this time though, I will admit, that as the months have past, I've gotten a little slack on my diet but not to the extent that I've gained back any of what I've lost. 

Still, I'm unhappy with my belly area.  Last Easter (2011), I finally decided to do something a little more drastic (as if P90x or Turbo Fire aren't drastic enough) to achieve my ultimate goal.  The day I made that decision, three of my spring classes ended and I scarfed down little chocolate egg after little chocolate egg while I studied (actually I did that all weekend).  So, the drastic measure I decided on was to eliminate all desserts/sweets from my diet starting the day after Easter.  In addition, I also decided to cut out regular sodas, choosing Coke Zero or Diet Coke instead. 

How did it go, you ask?  Well, I was completely sweet (and regular soda) free for the entire 3 months until my 40th birthday party.  The diet plan went better than expected (I was able to stay off the sweets and soda without much trouble) despite the over abundance of sugary goodness that was thrust in my face day in and day out during that time.  They were easier to resist than I expected.  You don't realize how much you encounter until you cut it out and then you realize why you can't lose weight.  For me, I have to cut it out entirely, otherwise a small piece will lead to other small pieces, which will in turn lead to more pieces and bigger pieces.

My 40th birthday party was a dessert party, hosted by my friends Zina (of Fierce Foodie) and Stacey (the cupcake queen of my department). It was a great party and yes, I ate some sweets, but realized I didn't crave them nor did I feel the need to overindulge.

Well, its a year later and I'm completely off regular sodas (substituting with diet coke or coke zero), however, I still drink them in moderation and no longer buy them for the house.  Studies have shown that artificial sweetener is no better for you than real sugar, especially in excess.  I never thought I'd be a Diet Coke drinker but you'd be surprised how easy it is to ween yourself from anything when you set your mind to it.  I will say this, one co-worker asked me if I'd noticed a difference in my body after the three months and I begrudgingly said no.  My theory as to why that is... I don't eat enough sweets to make a difference if I cut them out completely.  So, I've concluded, why not have the occasional indulgence. Yay!

For the past year, my routine went on like this, cutting out this and that, exercising 3-5 days a week and still no drastic change in the flabby portion of my belly.  However, I'm still a size four and have not gained any weight... nor have I lost it.  And yes, that does frustrate me. So, I added yet another routine to my library of workouts.  This one is also by Tony Horton (P90x) and is called Power Half Hour.This workout was actually created before P90x and combines cardio and strength training in a 30 minute workout 6 days a week.  Not as intense as P90x but still a good workout.  There are 5 different workouts in all...butt, abs, arms, thighs, and stretching.  But I didn't complete this workout as suggested either.  Instead I started combining it with cardio from Turbo Fire.   Hmmm...maybe that is my problem.  I should use as directed.

In May 2012, I once again decided to cut out some "problem foods" which I believe to be bread, rice, pasta, and sweets and did so for a month.  I kept track of my weight and waist size for the month. I hate to say it but, my experiment didn't make much of a difference.  Although I felt less bloated, I didn't really see a difference (on the scale or in my waist).  Once again, I'm frustrated.  However, I truly believe that consistency is the key and from my experience, it appears, you need to be consistent longer than a month.

Well, I turned 41 (or as I like to call it thirty eleven) a little over a month ago (July 16) and as of this morning I weigh 129.4 lbs. and my waist is still 28.5 inches.  And, believe it or not, I haven't worked out in 2 weeks.  Not because I don't want to or don't feel like it but because we just got a new puppy and having her is like having a new born in the house.  She has completely disrupted my workout schedule.  I will begin working out again soon, hopefully.  My plan is to find other avenues of exercising since I am currently unable to do it in my living room at 5 in the morning now.

So what is or will be the key to my "ultimate" success?  I have no idea, but apparently, I'm an expert at maintaining my weight.  And this is what I've learned along the can't out train a bad diet, everything in moderation, and a combination of proper diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight and fat.  Maybe part of my problem is that I'm not being realistic in my expectations.  I want a rock hard body with as little fat as possible.  I want an athletes body.  Is that achievable at my age?  I'm seriously starting to wonder, but at the same time, I keep saying to myself, why can't it be?  I don't care if my metabolism is slowing down, or my body can't take the pounding it used to.  I'm not old and I'm not injured. So, in my mind, there is nothing keeping me from achieving my goal or meeting my expectations, but me.

And, once again, my diet will be changing...but not drastically this time.  I've decided to eat as healthy as possible while eating whatever I want but in extreme moderation, and still somewhat watching my calories.    I've read enough, books, articles, blogs and anything else on diet and exercise to know what is good for me and what isn't.  Hell, most of it is common sense if you think about it.  You know what's bad for you and what is not.  However, the key change this time will be cooking more at home.  Anyone who knows me well, knows I am not a cook.  I'm not horrible at it, I just don't like to cook.  This change I've been considering for awhile now and this is why I've finally decided it was time to suck it up and do it:  1. It's healthier, not just for me but especially my daughter. When I started P90x 2 years ago I cooked more and was not only in the best shape, but felt the best.  In addition,  I control what goes into our mouths and how fattening it is, not the restaurant. Even the healthy foods can be fattening at restaurants (just check out the calories and fat content on Chili's menu, if you don't believe me).  2. Its cheaper, and since we've just made an offer on a new house, we need to save some money.  3. When its all said and done, its easier and less time consuming.  There's no deciding where to go, driving there, and driving home.

In addition, I'm also going to change my exercise routine...again, mainly because I have no other choice (with the new puppy and all), but I also tend to get stagnant, which may also be some of my problem. Change is good in that respect and is the theory that P90x is based on, what does Tony Horton call it?  Muscle confusion.  So, my plan is more weight training and less cardio for awhile.  Although, right now I'd settle for just some exercise (other than walking and climbing over the baby gate to get in and out of my kitchen).

So, once again I have great expectations but hopefully this time, I'll get better results...or should I say, the results I'm working for.